Hackathon - Spring 2k18

By Sidecar (other events)

Thu, Jun 14 2018 12:00 PM EDT Fri, Jun 15 2018 3:00 PM EDT

Sidecar Hackathon
12:00pm June 14th- 12:00pm June 15th
Presentations starting 12:15pm June 15th

WHO: ALL Sidecar employees are eligible to participate, but this isn’t mandatory for anyone. You can participate as a group or individually, but be sure to meet the rules and restrictions listed below.

WHAT: Anything. You can “hack” whatever you want. This doesn’t have to be at all related to Sidecar’s business or customer base. Some previous Hackathon projects include a hilarious video about Sidecar and its customers, a determined group who cleaned out the tech closet, and a status “board” that aired the weather/new hires/birthdays/signings, etc. on TVs around the office in real-time. It can be a project that involves coding or one that doesn’t -- just make sure it’s PG-13...

WHERE: Anywhere you’d like. We encourage you to make use of Sidecar’s office but feel free to take your team offsite for brainstorming sessions, to piece things together, etc.

WHEN: 24 hours *ONLY*. the Hackathon starts at 12 noon on Thursday, June 14th -- and ends at 12 noon on Friday, June 15th. Presentations will start on Friday the 15th as soon as the Hackathon ends, and winners will be announced at the end of the day Friday.

MORE WHEN (and other stuff): You can start assembling your teams now. You can start discussing your ideas at any time leading up to the hackathon. Just don't start actually building or assembling anything until the event starts on June 14th. There’s so much room for interpretation, so use your best judgment. We want people/teams to be prepared, but it’s no fun if you’ve been in the background building things for days/weeks ahead of time.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: THIS IS ABOUT HAVING FUN. Good-spirited rivalries are part of it, but everyone should be supporting and encouraging everyone else to deliver the best & most entertaining stuff. If you find yourself caught up in how much better another team is doing, or whether or not they’re following the rules - you’re doing it wrong. Judges will handle that.